




从任何意义上说,经典的牛仔靴。这套靴子是由油-丹绒小牛和具有字符,使它绝对惊人。 我们做自定义靴子,这是最需要的外观,所以现在我们可以提供它给你的股票引导。

我们不使用合成材料,它的每一部分都是手工制作的(这就是为什么这种引导将持续一生)。 上部是有线和12"高。宽度为 D(正常),尺寸与鞋子相同。这些是在办公室、牧场和两者之间穿的完美靴子。

西得克萨斯石油坦 促销价格$495.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Dave M.

Good quality boots, the size was smaller than expected I wear and ordered 11 1/2 and these were more like an 11 and narrow, still trying to break them in and hopefully they will stretch.

Gerald H.
Looking for a new boot company to call home

Since my go-to boot company can't find them no more on the internet yeehaw I started looking around I found Republic Boot Company homegrown made in the United States which is a two pluses big pluses for the Republic Boot Company there's going to be more purchases by me done in the future the first purchase was and is an excellent choice nice square toe not too big single stitch well which I do absolutely like beautiful black color comfortable on feet a little bit loose but maybe I have to go a step size down from a size 8D to maybe a size seven and a half d in tennis shoe I wear a size 7 but in Boots I usually wear a size 8 but can't wait to do business with them again very high quality boot I ordered two other pair one from each company this past month trying to find a boot home a go-to boot place thank you very much would recommend to all sincerely Mr Gerald Harris

Stephen H.
Awesome - right out of the box!

I picked the boots out from the website and they were delivered within a few days. They were a good fit right out of the box and I wore them comfortably all day.

Michael N.
10 Year Search

Excellent service, products, and store. Almost like having new boots custom fit. It's been a 10 year hunt for boots with a high enough arch and width. I guess they make custom fit items too. Only the highest quality materials used. Boot stock is not ordered in. They make them themselves. Long term employees says a lot about their commitment to their community. Just wish I didn't have to go 1500 miles to get them. I'll be back someday.

Fred L.

These boots are perfection! I love to sleek toe. I’m not a big, cowboy boot guy, but I wear these every day. They look incredible, and they feel even better!